Snow Day Bag

Snow Day Bag

For days coworkers had planned on not going to work as the word “Snow” was mentioned more and more in the weather forecast. “I’m not doing what I did last time,” they all said. Reflecting on the monstrous post-Christmas NY shutdown and my whereabouts, I knew what I needed to do. Buy more yarn. Last time I was stuck at my parent’s place in Long Island with only scraps of what remained from Christmas presents I had to finish right before (or right after) I gave them. The same thing would not happen to me twice. Snow was in the air and I was going to Michaels.

With memories of the multi-day event that the monster snow storm was, I had to buy enough yarn for at least 3-4 projects… you know, just in case. Yarn for one bag I’d been dying to try… and the bag of the month… and a scarf… and another scarf… and another scarf… who knew how long we’d be stuck inside this time. It took my entire lunch hour, but it proved to be a lunch hour well spent when I picked up my son after work to find out they had already announced school would be closed the next day. Yes!

Snow Day Bag DetailThe next morning we awoke to… SNOW! Which was cleared up a few hours later. No school meant no work so no matter, it was time to get working on the Snow Day Bag. Two strands of Paton’s Classic Wool in hand, I flew through the bag. Working with the yarn was great and I was surprised I hadn’t tried it before.

Unfortunately, I had also woken up to… a sick kid. That did mean, my Snow Day Bag could be finished on the Sick Day. The bag went really quickly and I’m loving how it came out. The next one I make I want to felt. When’s the snow coming next?
