Red, Orange, Yellow and Buckets of Rain

Garner Arts Festival Community Tapestry

I just got back from the Garner Arts Festival in Garnerville, NY and my feet are still wet, as they may be for the next few days, but it was a lot of fun. I went to see the community tapestry that Sara Divi put together. I had contributed 6 pieces for it and loved seeing the final product especially how everyone’s pieces blended together in a sea of red, orange, and yellow. With all the contributions she got it was huge!

Sara was also showing her amazing installation We Should Have Just Let Go which is a huge knit maze made from the yarn of unraveled old sweaters. Watching dancers flow through it was very cool. My son loved running around in it and that we could see each other through it since it was knit on such large needles. Her maze was at the center of a room filled with textile goodness including the largest knitting needles I think I will ever see. My father said they were 115’s!!! It looked like scarves or sweater arms were the single strands of yarn used with them.

Large Sculpture Near Waterfall

Large Head Sculpture

With all the artists showing, I kept being drawn back to a sculpture that could be seen between a few of the buildings next to the flowing water. The waterfall background added drama to the striking piece.

Since everything was so huge, when a storm came through, it too was huge. Buckets of rain dropped down from the sky while I was waiting for my food at a food truck with a LONG wait. I got soaked. It may still be a while before I dry off.

Even with squishy wet socks and sneakers and jeans heavy with water stuck to my legs, it was a fun Sunday.


Free Pattern: Security Blanket Scarf

Security Blanket Scarf
My son loves him some yarn. Whenever he’s in Michael’s with me, he tries to pile everything into my basket. I usually let him pick 1 to actually buy. This summer he chose a skein of super soft and cuddly Red Heart Buttercup that he wanted a scarf made of for when he got chilly in the air conditioning. The stuff’s not easy to crochet with, but he loves the super simple scarf I made him.

Security Blanket Scarf Pattern:

Finished Size: 6″x43″

1 skein Red Heart Buttercup (72 yards Super Bulky 6 yarn)
N Crochet Hook (10 mm)
Yarn Needle

Ch 10
Row 1: Ch 2, (does not count at stitch) DC 10, turn
Repeat this row until you run out of yarn

Notes: Difficult to crochet with, so you just kind of try to feel the top of the stitches, stick in your hook and guess. I wanted this to be dense enough to look like a solid piece of fabric but actually possible to crochet. My son loves it and asks for it every time he’s cold when he comes out of a bath or the AC is too much for him. He has also been seen grasping it when he’s sleeping at night. It’s basically a little security blanket you can wear around your neck.

Free Pattern: 1 Hour + 1 Skein = 1 Spectacularly Sparkly Scarf

1 Hour 1 Skein 1 Scarf

1 Hour + 1 Skein = 1 Spectacularly Sparkly Scarf

After eyeing it several times when I was in foreign Michael’s stores (aka the far ones that I don’t usually go to), I bought a skein of Dewdrops in Diamond over the weekend thinking it would work with a scarf pattern I’d been meaning to try. I tried it and it didn’t. It is gorgeous yarn though and I was on a mission to turn it into a scarf so this is the story of 1 hour + 1 skein and how it became 1 Spectacularly Sparkly Scarf.

This scarf is so simple I don’t even know that I would call this a pattern:

Abbreviations (US terms):
SC = Single Crochet
FLO = Front Loops Only

You will need:
1 Skein Loops & Threads Dewdrops (71 yards, Super Bulky, Metalic with Sequins)
M hook (9.0mm)

Thoughts on subbing yarns for this scarf:
You can use a different yarn, but if you go with a plain, solid color with no sparkle, it will result in a very basic scarf that I would call a Super Simple Scarf. At least use different colors for each row to add some interest to make a Simply Striped Scarf. Dewdrops is not as heavy as Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick, so you could probably use a thicker Bulky yarn instead of Super Bulky if you’re subbing.

How 1 Hour + 1 Skein = 1 Spectacularly Sparkly Scarf:
Row 1: Ch 2, 120 Foundation Single Crochet (as an easier alternate for row 1, you can Ch 121, starting in second chain from hook, SC 120, but I highly recommend using the Foundation Single Crochet stitch)
Row 2: Turn, Ch 1, 120 SC in FLO
Row 3+4: Repeat Row 2
Finish Off
With remaining yarn, cut 18 strands 12 inches each. This will become your fringe.
Add 3 3 strand fringes per side. Instead of weaving in your ends, you can just tie them into your fringe.

That is how 1 hour + 1 skein = 1 Spectacularly Sparkly Scarf

I’ll be tucking this scarf away and giving it as a Christmas present for Christmas 2011. The sparkle in the yarn makes this a fun gift. This scarf looks great folded in half with the end threaded through and works as an indoor or outdoor accessory. It can also be worn as a belt.

1 Hour Spectacularly Sparkly Scarf Closeup1 Hour Spectacularly Sparkly Scarf

Adding a fringe is very easy:

  • For a bulky or super bulky yarn, you usually use 3-4 strands per fringe.
  • Cut lengths of 10-14 inches (depending on how long you want your fringe and how much yarn you have left).
  • Take 3-4 strands and fold them in half. Pull the folded part through where you want to add it to the scarf.
  • Thread the loose strands through the folded part and pull it tight.
  • TA DA! You have added a fringe.
  • How many fringes you add per side depends on how much yarn you have and how wide your scarf is.
Fringe Step 1

Fringe Step 1: Fold 3-4 strands in half

Fringe Step 2

Fringe Step 2: Insert hook through scarf end and grab folded strandsFringe Step 3: Pull up through scarf end

Fringe Step 4

Fringe Step 4: Pull up a loop

Fringe Step 5

Fringe Step 5: Thread loose strands through

Fringe Step 6

Fringe Step 6: Pull tight

Fringe Step 7

Turn over for right side of fringe

An EEEEEEEEEEK my scarf isn’t long enough tip:

To add length to any scarf without adding more stitches, just add a fringe. It can add a few more inches to make your scarf just the right length instead of a little too short.


Just had to get that out 🙂
